My way of working

My creative process is rooted in empathy, as I believe that deeply understanding the user's needs and context is essential to creating meaningful and impactful solutions. I immerse myself in user research, conducting interviews and developing detailed personas to gain profound insights. This approach allows me to design or redesign products that align closely with users' values and needs.Additionally, I thoroughly analyze existing products in the market to identify opportunities for innovation and ensure that my designs stand out while meetingthe highest standards of user experience.Furthermore, I present my designs to various stakeholders to ensure they align with business objectives and are freefrom technical constraints. This collaborative approach allows me to gather valuable feedback, ensuring that the final design not only meets user needs butalso supports the company's strategic goals and is technically feasible.

I have selected some examples of my work to share with you


In today's workplace, productivity and psychological safety are critical factors for employee well-being and organizational success. However, the reality is that not every workday is equally productive for employees. Despite this, there is often a lack of acknowledgment of varying productivity levels, and insufficient channels for employees to communicate these issues to management or coworkers. This can lead to feelings of isolation and stigma when employees need support or time off.


Employees may struggle with productivity due to personal or professional challenges, but there are few formal mechanisms in place to address these issues. The absence of a supportive environment can cause employees to hesitate when asking for help or time off, due to fear of judgment or repercussions. This lack of psychological safety and open communication can hinder employees from establishing healthy boundaries and maintaining a balanced work-life dynamic.


"The Pod" is a service designed to foster psychological safety in the workplace. It acts as a set of "training wheels" to create opportunities for safety by reducing the stigma associated with requesting support or time off during challenging times. The Pod helps employees assess their productivity styles and formalizes the channels for communicating productivity concerns. Additionally, it promotes organizational policy changes coupled with positive nudging and active listening, which together help transform workplace cultures. By building trust and encouraging empathy, The Pod aims to create more inclusive and supportive workplace environments.

My role

Led the end-to-end service design process,including user research, ideation, prototyping, and piloting. Developed detailed service blueprints, value propositions and UI Design of POD

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People’s Hidden Power-Solving the Climate Crises Through Pensions


People often overlook their pension as they feel that the money is not enough for their retirement and they are unaware that pension is connected to climate change


The challenge was how to create a sustainable pension service for young millennials that builds awareness, provides financial security, and involves employees in investment decisions regarding pension


The new service, named Fingon, aimed to increase employee engagement with their pensions by aligning their values of sustainability with their workplace's values. This alignment was achieved through a set of questions that determined each employee's archetype, which was then matched to the company's values to identify three common values. Based on these values, Fingon suggested suitable funds, offering options for low-risk, high-return investments to show potential gains, thus providing employees with greater control and transparency.The service also used nudges, such as team recognition and peer influence, to encourage investment in green funds.

My role

User research, Service Strategy & Developement

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Bromley By Bow Centre- Looking into holistic health care


BBBC offers a wide array of community services, but our decision was to emphasize social prescribing due to its integral connection with all services, and BBBC's pioneering role in this area.
Social prescribing facilitates the connection of individuals to non-clinical support, fostering enhanced health and well-being, with a primary goal of empowering individuals to take greater control of their own health.


Linear Social Prescribing Model,Lack of Awareness reducing self referrals,High Dropouts due to long waiting time,Complicated Social Prescribing user journey due to different location of each service provider


For Social Prescribing
Democratize the linear SP model to an organic one to create a flexible circle that seamlessly integrates community, preventive care, and connections necessitates the utilization of community spaces such as parks, schools, and museums.
2. Increase self-referrals through Knowledge sharing programs,partnerships and updated online presence.
3. Optimize waiting time and motivate user participation by suggesting implementing a buddy system and providing tailored care packages.
4. Optimize resource utilization through co-locating services

My role

Research, Design Strategy, User Journey Mapping

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Design a wearable car for 2060 which redefines relationship between car and people


As population density rises, expanding the road network becomes impractical, leading to a surge in shared mobility. How can we infuse emotional attachment, individual identity, and personalized features into shared mobility, specifically in the form of a wearable car?


In 2060, we crafted a wearable vehicle for our chosen brand BMW drawing from the adaptable essence of origami. This innovation allows owners to personalize both the exterior and interior, ensuring each vehicle embodies its owner's distinct identity. We predicted the needs of different user groups from the car for our envisioned scenarios, and envisaging their experiences within the evolving urban landscape and automotive technology of 2060.The exterior can adjust to accommodate diverse needs, with changing interior such as serving as a workspace, a resting area, a wellness retreat, or an entertainment hub.

My role

Research, Conceptualisation, Storyboarding

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Support behaviour change among citizens and organisations through the use of ocean science


Fatbergs occur in sewer systems clogging the drain and causing flooding in Lambeth


SIFT reinvents the kitchen washing bowl for residential users with three parts,Filter to capture small food debris, sustainable oleophilic filter membrane made of waste coconut husk fibre to absorb oil and not water and vessel to hold above two parts and attach to sink .Through the filtration and capture of oil & fat dense grey water from cooking waste, ongoing £1mil monthly maintained costs to Thames Water can be reduced, and captured cooking by-waste repurposed as biofuel.


Our team got selected as one of the top 13 teams.Our projectwas displayed at museu de Ciencies Naturals de Barcelona for UNESCO Ocean DecadeConference and was interviewed by BBC Warwick

My role


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Designed a server monitoring application with the expected outcomes to be Improved User Efficiency, Enhanced Data driven Decision Making, Comprehensive Historical Analysis, Predictive Insights/Efficient Alerting

My role

My role as User Experience Design intern in this Solo Project is Research (Qualitative & Quantitative), Designing UI interface

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